
Reverend esteemed Bodhisattvas, and Monastics, 
尊敬的大德 法师

Hello, fellow practitioners.
各位同参道友 大家好

Welcome to Jingya Buddhist Voice.

I am Jingya, Namo Amitabha.
我是静雅  南无阿弥陀佛 

As practitioners, we Recite Amitabha every day and dedicate the merits to
我们修行人 每天念佛 都会回向给

who have a karmic connection with us and whom we have eaten, killed, or harmed.
(回向给)所吃 所杀 所伤害的一切有缘众生

These are the sentient beings we have harmed in the past. 
这些呢 就是我们曾经害过的

Instead of calling them grieving creditors

we should call them connected sentient beings
就应该叫 有缘众生

Because we have harmed them first 
因为 是我们先得罪了它们

by eating, killing, and causing them suffering, 
吃了他们 杀了他们 害了它们 

making their lives difficult.

Therefore, they come to trouble us and seek revenge in this life, 
所以今生 才来给我们找麻烦 来报仇

so that we can repay our karmic debts 

by giving back life for life 

and collecting dollar for dollar

This is karmic retribution, it's true and not exaggerated.
这就是因果报应啊 真实不虚

You can't escape even if you want to.
你想逃 是逃不掉的 

Today, I will share with you a conversation
今天呢 我给大家分享

between us and our grieving creditor

The heartfelt words of our grieving creditor.
冤亲债主的 肺腑之言 

After watching it, I was deeply moved.
看了以后啊 我非常的感动 

Now let's hear 

what our grieving creditor has said to us
冤亲债主是怎样 对我们说的 :

"Why are you afraid of us? "

"Isn't everything in us all caused by you? "
我们的一切 不都是你们造成的吗 

"Yet at the end, you still blame us. This obstructs you, that obstructs you.
到头了 还埋怨我们 这也障碍你 那也障碍你 

Do you know we have nowhere else to go."
你可知道 我们也是无路可走了呀

"If we turn back to hell, we will suffer all kinds of torture. "
回头去地狱 我们要受百般的折磨 

"Do you know what that feels like? "
那个滋味 你们可知道吗 

"But if we don't turn back, we have nowhere to go."
不回头 又无处可去 

"Because of the karmic debts you created, 

we are unable to leave. Even if we wanted to, 
拖着我们走不了啊 就算想走

we wouldn't want to be reborn into beings in evil paths again. "
我们也不想 再轮回成恶道的众生啊 

"However, to be reborn as human is so difficult.

we need to accumulate merits 

This merit can only be obtained from you, 
可是这功德 只能从作为人的

who are currently human."
你们的身上 才能得来呀 

"Sometimes you do acts of kindness for no apparent reason
有时候 你们莫名其妙的做一些善事 好事

Do you think it's really from your heart
你们以为真的 发自自己的内心吗 

It's got our help in it, too“

“ So sometimes you don't know what you're doing,
所以有时候 你都不知道在做什么 

because your heart is too ignorant 
因为你们的心 太无知了

to see the cause and effect behind this.”
看不到 这个背后的因果

“Because we are anxious to be reborn in a better realm,
所以 我们有急于投生

We are always urging you to do good deeds 
就一直驱使着你们 去做一些好事 

and accumulate merit.”

“But your innermost thoughts 
但是 你们的内心

never consider us whenever doing a good deed, 
每做一件事 从来都没有想过我们 

so we only gain so little.”
所以我们得到的 也就那么一点点

“There are some who know

they dedicate all their merit to us, 
他们把功德 全部回向给我们

then which are greatly enhanced our power.”

“But it's a minority.

we by your side   

The suffering we endure far exceeds your imagination.
受苦的 远远超出你们的想象

You just can't see it.”

“The more merit you accumulate, the sooner we will depart, 
积德越多的 我们就越早走 

and you will suffer less.”

"You don't know

We know everything you've done
你们所做的一切一切 我们都知道

we see it all,

we really think you are so filthy and heartless, 
真是觉得你们 好龌龊 好黑心啊

just like tigers and wolves wearing human skin masks. "

"Our divine consciousness has always been icy and cold."
我们的神识 何曾不是冰冷冰冷的呢 

"But for the sake of the future and the hope of a better day, 
不过为了将来  有出头之日  

we cannot worry too much about ,

Seeing your behavior, we really can't just sit back and watch. "
看着你们的行为 我们实在看不过去

"We want to punish you a little 
We can't look past your behavior
看着你们的行为 我们实在看不过去

to make you wake up and turn back earlier."
让你们赶快警醒 早点回头

"It's not our intention to harm you."
并不是有意 伤害你们的 

"So, because of our guidance, how many people

have turned back on their wrong path? "

"Because of our reminders, how many people 

have started to truly accumulate merit and do good deeds ?"

"Especially those who have been tortured and are in unbearable pain 
尤其是那些 被折磨得痛苦不堪的人

can wake up and 

enter Buddhism. Contact with Buddhism can 
走入佛门 接触佛法

also be regarded as having a conscience, 

because only through you we can be brought into the realm of the Dharma 
因为只有通过你们 把我们带入了法界

and have a better chance of being liberated."

"At this moment, our hearts are joyful and hopeful. "
这个时候 我们的心是喜悦的 是有希望的 

"Have you ever felt it too, 
你们 可曾有感受到吗

because your hearts are our light?"
因为你们的心 也就是我们的灯 

"Your bright hearts shine 

so that we can have less suffering from our sins. "

"When your hearts are dark, we also suffer
你们心灵黑暗的时候 我们也在受着

the pain and agony that you cannot see. 

"Making you suffer is not for revenge, 
让你们受点罪 不是为了报复啊

but to let you awaken to your own sins 
是为了让你们 能够清醒认识自己的罪恶呀

and seek the path of liberation as soon as possible."

"For our sake, and for your own sake, 
为了我们 也为了你们自己 

it's so unfair for you to hate us. "
所以你们恨我们 真是冤枉了呀 

"As for those who are stubborn and refuse to forgive you, 
至于那些固执的 不愿意原谅你们的 

they may have been reincarnated as humans 

or animals by your side and 

are now clinging to you in this life to vent their resentment. "
缠着你今生 宣泄着他们的怨气 

"Why are you willing to endure it willingly? "

"Why can't you treat us the same 
对于我们 你们为什么不能同样对待呢

just because you can't see us?"

"If we show ourselves to you and you will get scared, 
给你看见了 你又害怕 吓死了

you will come after us in your next life to settle the score. "

"We will also lose the opportunity to accumulate virtues and merits."

"Don't you know that our appearance 

was caused by you? "
都是被你们害的以后  变成了这样的  

"Have you ever experienced the pain and suffering we have endured?"
我们受的折磨和煎熬 你们又何尝体会过呢

"We can only appear intermittently to remind you 
只能若隐若现 时刻提醒着你们 

that we also suffer. "

"When you can't see us, cannot do anything good
你们看不见我们时 啥好事也不做 

and we are always in pain and suffering."
把我们总是那么搁着 煎熬着 

"Of course, there is also the concept of repaying kindness, 

but that is your own good fortune."

"What are the chances of that happening? "
这样的几率 有多少呢 

"Out of ten thousand good deeds you do, 
你 一万件善事之中 

only one is done sincerely, while the rest are insincere."
只有一件事 是真心做的

"While the rest are fake
其他的 其实都是虚情假意 

They are all done for oneself and for the sake of future generations."
都是为了自己 为了子孙后代而已

"However,  you are just so evil,  what can we do? "
但是你们就是这样的罪恶 我们又奈何呢 

"Every bit that we can receive,
能收的一分 是一分啊 

We cherish too."

"Although some who do not want to suffer in reincarnation 
有些不愿意 再轮回受苦的

are entangled with you, even though you cannot see them, 
虽然缠着你 你也看不见 

it is also to let you experience our pain and suffering."
也是为了让你体会 我们的痛苦 我们的煎熬啊 

"You see, many people who do not understand 
看吧 很多人不理解

will treat you like a crazy person or a patient, 
会把你当成 疯子病人

subjecting you to ridicule and disgust."
让你受尽 凌辱和厌恶 

"This is the nature of human beings. 

And who knows the relationship between you and us?"

"You are all humans. Why don't they have sympathy for you?"
同是人类 他们为什么就不同情你呢 

"So, be aware 
所以啊 你们清醒吧

that we only want to make you understand. "

"As long as you can repent,

If you accumulate merits and virtues for us, 

we would have left a long time ago, 

and you wouldn't have to suffer and endure hardships."
你也不必受苦 受难了 

"The most hateful thing is that when our time is running out, 
最痛恨的 是我们的时间不多的时候 

You are still trying every means to expel us, erase us. "
你们还在想尽办法 驱赶我们 抹杀我们 

"We will also be dragged back to hell to suffer and endure. "
我们也会被 再拖进地狱受苦 受罪

"How can we not hate you ,

when we suffer so much pain?"

"There is no species in this world more cruel than human beings."
这个世界 没有比人类更残酷的物种了 

"Sometimes, we possess people 
有些时候 我们之所以附体

because although you do good deeds and act as good people, 
是因为你虽然做好人 做好事 

you don't know how to dedicate merits to us. "

"Therefore, we have some manifestations 

to let those connected with us know, 

so that they can help us depart. "

"We don't have much time left.

Because your lifespan is just a fleeting moment, 
因为你们的寿命 也只是弹指一瞬间

we seize every minute. "

"When we see that your life is coming to an end, 

we can only anxiously 

take your consciousness everywhere to seek help, 

hoping to go one by one. "

We have good intentions, too
"我们也是 用心良苦的呀"

"We rejoice in those who Recite Amitabha, and we hope that 
在念佛人的身上 我们是喜悦的 希望大大的

their every chant of the Amitabha will make us feel at ease,
他们的每一声佛号 都让我们自在

bring joy to our hearts and consciousness."
每一句的佛号 都让我们心識愉悦 

"Because they genuinely and 
因为 他们有的是真心实意的

truly understand our existence 

and truly care for us."

"Of course, there are also a few mischievous ones 
当然 我们也有个别调皮的

who want to test your sincerity, 

because they know that you understand us and are not afraid of us. ”
就是因为 知道你们懂我们了 不怕我们了

“That's why we dare to manifest ourselves, 

and as a result, make them uncomfortable again.”

“But they still Recite Amitabha with the same sincerity, 

dedicating merits to us. How could we not be touched and moved by their sincerity?”

“How could we not be touched and moved by their sincerity?”
这份真诚的心 我们何尝不知道感动呢 

“So, through this body, 

we will remind them, 

we can also be moved to tears. Because we meet such kind people 
我们也会感动到会哭的 因为遇到这样的好人

we are overjoyed!”
而高兴 喜极而泣 

“We are happy that we can finally be liberated.

Our reminders are just a way of expressing our gratitude 

and appreciation to kind people, and it's also a way for us to let you know

that reciting Amitabha is not in vain before we depart.”

“We know what you have done for us. ”
你们为我们做的什么 我们都知道

“There are many people who Recite Amitabha, 

but there are not many who understand us.”

“Some of them only Recite Amitabha to escape our punishment, 
他们有的 只是为了逃避我们的惩罚而念佛

and some only Recite Amitabha for the blessings in this life and the next.”
有的 只是为了今生来世的福报而念佛

“Regardless of the reason, 

the Amitabha you recite is the greatest blessing for us.”
你们念的佛号 就是对我们最大的恩德

This heartfelt and sincere message about our karmic debts 
这个冤亲债主 对我们的肺腑之言 

will surely move everyone who reads it.
我想大家看了 一定会很感动

Any one of us might be dragging our creditors
我们每个人呢 可能都会拿着冤亲债主

and some of us may feel afraid

that these debts will hinder us 

or cause illness.

Many people, when they become ill, 
很多人呢 生病了

say that their karmic debts are heavy 

and that their grieving creditor has come to collect their dues.

But you know, everyone ignores one point. 
可是呢 大家忽视了一点

Sometimes thegrieving creditors come to us 

not to seek revenge, but to seek salvation and ask for help.
有的时候是来求超度 求帮忙的

The grieving creditors come to us not necessarily as a bad thing. 

Sometimes, they may urge us 
有的时候 他会鞭策着我们 

Quietly chanting Buddha practice
精进的念佛 修行

and engage in good deeds.
然后呢 做一些善事 

Accumulating merit and virtue, dedicating it to all our grieving creditors, 
积功累德 回向给我们所有的冤亲债主

they will be saved and we will feel at ease. 
他们得救了 我们也就舒服了 

Our hearts will open up and we will find peace.
我们也就 心开意解了

We must treat all connected sentient beings as our own family 
一定要把我们这些有缘众生 当做我们的亲人

and friends. 

We must transform enemies into friends. This is the most crucial aspect.
要化敌为友 这个是最关键的 

We must not use a mind of anger and hatred.

Yes, they can sense our true intentions and
就像他们讲的 他们是有神通的 

weather we are truly repentant and regret our actions,
我们是不是真忏悔 是不是真的悔过

and committed to becoming a better person. 

They are aware,

when facing them, 

we should wholeheartedly Recite Amitabha and dedicate the merit to them.
就是要好好的念佛 回向 

Do not commit any wrongdoing; 

follow to do many good deeds

There is no knot of resentment that cannot be untied. When it is untied,
没有解不开的冤结  解开了 

life will be better, 

health will be improved, work will go smoothly,
身体也健康了 工作顺利了

the family will be happy, 

and the world will be at peace.

Well, that's all to share with you for today.
好了 今天的视频就分享到这里 

Thanks for watching

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We will see you next time,

Nanmu Amitabha Buddha

作者 智喜