Hello, Reverend esteemed Bodhisattvas, and Monastics, fellow practitioners
尊敬的大德 法师 各位同參 道友大家好
Welcome to Jing Ya Buddhist Voice,
I am Jingya, Namo Amitabha . Some people are rich
我是静雅 南無阿弥陀佛 有些人啊 很有钱
But they are stingy and don't like to share, like keeping money
但是呢 很吝啬 不喜欢佈施 喜欢存钱
Even if we're really rich
But if the money is not spent properly
At birth we bring nothing,at death we take away nothing.
生不带来 死不带去
Only the karma go with us and the money is left behind
只有業 随着我们走了 钱留下了
That was a really to be wronged.
Why not put the money to good use now
为什么不现在 要把这个钱活用呢
So now, the best way is to
所以呢 我们现在啊 最好的方式就是为我们
accumulate virtue and merits for us
积攒福报 积累功德
Is to learn to give
Whether it's gift of money, gift of dharma, gift of fearlessness.
无论 是財佈施 法佈施 還是無畏佈施
We always try our best to do it
Only by doing this can we obtain boundless merit
这个才能让我们得到 无量无边的大福报
Otherwise, when we're dead and we can't take the money with us
不然的话 我们真的死了 钱带不走
And then because of our greed
然后 由於我们的贪心重
fall into the evil path again and I'll regret it today
又堕入了恶道 那得不偿失 后悔莫及了
Today, I read a story
我今天呢 末学看了一个
from the epoch of the Buddha The elder Podhi falling into weeping hell
佛陀时代的故事 堕入啼哭地狱的 婆提老者
This story has benefited me a lot
这个故事呢 让我很受益
It really taught us a good lesson
Tell us how to do
告诉我们 要如何去
Happily joyfully to do charity
欢欢喜喜 快快乐乐的去做布施
Don't regret it after you do it
做了以后 千万不要后悔
Now I'm going to share this story with you
现在呢 给大家就分享这个故事
Why is this wealthy elder so blessed and rich?
为什么这个大富长者 这么有福报 这么多钱
How did he fall into weeping hell
The story goes that when the Buddha was alive
故事是这样的 佛陀在世時
There is a koan one evening the king Pasenadi
有一则公案 一天黄昏 波斯匿王
Come to the Jetavana-vihāra where Buddha preached the Dharma
Visiting Buddha The Buddha saw King Pasenadi's disheveled face
拜访佛陀 佛陀看到波斯匿王灰头垢脸
whole body is covered in dust, he asked the king, Where are you from
全身都是灰尘 就问 国王啊 你从哪里来的
Why are you covered in dust? King Pasenadi replied
为什么全身都是尘土呢 波斯匿王回答
Buddha, I come from the house of the elder Podhi
佛陀啊 我是从婆提老者家里来
The old man died and there was no one left to inherit the property
这位老人啊 过世了 家产没有人可以继承
So it has to go into the Treasury and I'm here to take stock of his property
所以必须要归入国库 我是专程去清点他的财产的
There are 80 thousand pounds of gold alone and the rest needless to say
光是黄金就有8万斤 其余的就不用说了
Buddha Can you imagine how much his wealth is
佛陀 你能想象 他的财产有多少吗
The Buddha said it was a pity It's really a pity.
佛陀说 可惜啦 真的是可惜啊
King Pasenadi asked Buddha, what do you think of
波斯匿王问 佛陀 你看
This elder Podhi he's a loner and he's usually mean
这位婆提老者 他孤单一个人 平时为人吝啬
The living conditions were poor and the clothes were shabby
生活的很寒酸 住的环境也不好 穿的衣服很破旧
Not to mention the not to mention the food he hoards a lot of property
吃的东西就更不用说了 他囤积了很多的财产
And now he's passed away empty-handed
现在 却两手空空的走了
He didn't take a penny of his wealth.
家財 一分一毫也没有带走
Buddha sees with your discernible eye
佛陀 依您的慧眼来看
Where did he go after he gave up his human existence
他舍了人身之后 往哪里去了呢
said the Buddha he had falling into weeping hell
佛陀说 他已堕落在啼哭地狱了
After hearing this, King Pasenadi shook his head and said with a sigh
波斯匿王听了 摇头叹气地说
He's so rich, ut falling into weeping hell when he died
他那么有钱 死后却堕入了啼哭地狱
Didn't he cry there all day long?
Buddha said yes, so I said he was pitiful
佛陀又说 对 所以我说他很可怜啊
But elder Podhi has so much property
可是 婆提老者有这么多财产
It must be very merit
Why do have to live a hard and shabby life?
After death, why would falling into weeping hell? King Pasenadi asked
死后又为什么会堕落啼哭地狱呢 波斯匿王 问道
The Buddha said that his wealth was indeed his merit
佛陀说 他的财富确实是他的福报
It is the blessing of his past life
Once upon a time long, long ago when the Pyuchi Buddha was alive
在很久很久以前 辟支佛在世的时候
There was a landowner who was a farmer
One day he saw a Pyuchi Buddha come out to mendicancy
有一天 他看到一位辟支佛出来托缽
Right in front of his door
He felt happy for a moment, offered food and said to Pyuchi Buddha
他一时心生欢喜 就供养了饭食 向辟支佛说
I'll give it to you from time to time if you need me again
若有需要 以后再来我都会布施给您的
So the Pyuchi Buddha would sometimes go back to him for alms
因此 辟支佛有时也会再去向他托缽
after a while
The landlord was struck by niggard feelings
这位地主心中起了慳吝之念 觉得
Why should I offer food to monks?
I can leave the food here slave can eat it, too.
我可以把这些食物留下 奴仆也可以吃啊
And once he's made up of regret, he won't give
生起了貪念后悔之心之后 他就再也不肯施舍了
And felt very disgusted
The landlord is now the elder Podhi
那位地主 就是现在的婆提老者
Because he had the karma of giving Pyuchi Buddha, he was blessed
因为他曾有布施辟支佛的因缘 所以有福报
But later he became greedy and regretful
可是后来他起了 慳貪 後悔之心
Therefore, although blessed, but not se by him
因此 虽然有福 却不得自用
And he's done no good in his life and now he's falling into weeping hell
而他这辈子又没有做好事 现在堕入了啼哭地狱
He regrets it too, so he cries every day.
心里也很后悔 所以天天啼哭啊
The king of Bosneth asked if he had not
波斯匿王问 难道他没有剩下
a little bit of merit left The Buddha said no
一点点 福报的因缘吗 佛陀说 没有
But he has so much money
Is it like this? Like someone farming
难道就这样了吗 比如有人种田
The rice in the field is harvested
If no seeds are sown, will this land grow rice again?
若不再撒种子 这亩田还会再长出稻子吗
The elder Podhi was rich all his life
婆提老者 虽然一生富有
But he did no any good, so he did not take the good fortune
但是他没有再造福 所以没有带走福運
We know that through this story that the Buddha tells
The elder Podhi was rich all his life
婆提老者 虽然一生富有
But he didn't make any more blessings
So there was no merit, cause and condition at all
所以没有任何一点福德 因缘
Therefore, if a wise person has property, should be giving
因此 有智慧的人如果有财产 就应该佈施
Never be stingy and when you give
千万不要吝啬 而且佈施的时候
We must sincerely offer and offer with our own hands
要诚心的 亲手供养 奉献
Be happy and cheerful after charity
佈施之後要高高兴兴 欢欢喜喜的
Don't be regretful;
Being able to give you will get immeasurable and boundless rewards
能够这么佈施 将能得到无量无边的大果报
So this story has a lesson for all of us
It's when we're doing charity and offer and life releasing and all that
就是当我们在做 佈施供养 放生等等
Don't regret these blessings enhanced activities
这些 增加福报的事情的时候啊 千万不要后悔
I also often hear a lot of brothers
asking question,He gave charity today
会问一个问题 他今天佈施了
But he was terrified
但是呢 他就很惶恐
Where do they use in this charity
我这个佈施的地方 去到了哪里
Are they not used in the appropriate place
Don't think about the result after you give
就是你佈施出去的 做完了以后不要去想结果
We all get that
这样的 我们都会得到
Boundless blessings, benefits and merits
无量无边的福报 利益和功德
will share today's video with you and thank you for watching
好了 今天的视频就分享到这里 感恩大家的收看
and forwarding to promote dharma transmission and alms
看后转发 弘扬法布施
if you like, please click praise at thumb up and subscribe we'll see you next time
喜欢 请点赞订阅 我们下期再见
Namo Amitabha